One of the disservices we offer our college attendees is a lifestyle that, for most, is not affordable after graduation while living on your own.
Chasing the Perfect Career – Part 2
The “perfect” career exists somewhere along a spectrum that depends on your individual priorities and characteristics.
Life After College Graduation – Part 1
After graduation, have you found yourself struggling with what type of job or career you would like to pursue?
Entrepreneurs: Sprint to the Spa
We talked about how our bodies prepare when we run from tigers (which are really imaginary hamsters chasing us). As you might imagine, this process is quite taxing on our bodies – it’s the reason that tigers sleep for a day or two after a big hunt, their bodies are refueling and repairing. The very process that maximizes our chance of survival, over time, becomes destructive and damaging when we don’t take time to repair. We are made to sprint from danger and then rest and recover.
Entrepreneurs: Don’t Run From the Hamster
Not many people would disagree that world changers, entrepreneurs, and visionaries are passionate people. Passion people invest so fully physically, emotionally, and mentally that it is easy for them to lose perspective. The problem with losing perspective is that we can no longer trust our perceptions to be accurate. This might not seem like a big deal but let’s talk for a minute about how important our perceptions are.
Entrepreneurs: Focus on 2nd
If you are a world changer (ahem…or a workaholic), chances are you are not going to lose sight of the first priority. It’s the one that keeps you up at night. The one that you talk about. The one that you have trouble getting out of your head. However, your 2nd or 3rd priority (while still important) likely gets far less attention. It’s easy to convince oneself that 2nd or 3rd place is only a degree or two behind 1st place, but then the question becomes – is that really the case?
Entrepreneurs: Are You Losing Your Head?
Here is something we’ve noticed – true entrepreneurs are mission minded, singularly focused, and seem to have the unique ability to invest “whatever it takes” to make the idea work. The other thing we’ve noticed? When those entrepreneurial qualities kick in, other important relationships, responsibilities, and opportunities seem to suffer.
This is a excellent and free resource if you are tyring to make a decision about which career to pursue. O*NET Online ( O*NET OnLine was created to provide broad access to the O*NET database of occupational information, which includes information on skills, abilities, work activities, and interests associated with … Read More