Training Zone! Part 3

We’re about half-way through the training series. Even though this is a 5 week series, I encourage you to try to continue this lifestyle. How have you noticed a change in yourself? Is it physically? What about mentally or psychologically? Often times, when we see physical results, we tend to feel better emotionally. This is a great side effect!  Although it’s easy to slide negative or self-defeating feelings aside, I encourage you to call us and make an appointment to talk to someone about those feelings. Before we know it, it could manifest in an unhealthy way. Here are 2 more tips to encourage your progress:

  1. Be Creative with your Workouts. One thing you don’t want to happen is training to become monotonous. Spice up your workout routine by leaving your watch at home and running for the fun of it! Other examples can include: changing the time of day you run, find new routes or reverse your normal route, challenge yourself by altering the distance and/or terrain.
  2. Set Completion Goals, Not Time Goals. All runners eventually reach the point where they can not get any faster. In order to avoid discouragement, implement new running goals such as: try to run a certain amount of races in a year or try an even longer distance race.


Adapted from Running Advisor


Cara Engle, LAPC