Coping Skills vs Defense Mechanisms

Defense mechanisms are unconscious responses to overwhelming stress in our lives. Although they serve an important purpose, if left unchecked, protective instincts from defense mechanisms can inhibit the development of healthier coping skills. We are going to dive into two common defense mechanisms: denial and regression. Denial One of our … Read More

Give Yourself Some Self-Compassion

As a new mother, increasing self-compassion can go a long way in mitigating the negative outcomes associated with anxiety and overwhelm.

Overcoming Unkindness

unkindness, self-compassion, overcoming unkindness

Innocent teasing can be fun but it can quickly cross a line and result in hurt. Compassion is a critical component in overcoming unkindness.

Forgiveness and Your Mental Health

The bottom line is that when people forgive, their thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and health become more positive. Deciding to forgive is a good first step. But, deeper forgiveness will have a greater positive impact on your mental and physical health.

Stress, Self-Care, & Your Kids

stress, self-care, family

Practicing self care as a family supports the relational bond and is a constructive way to model healthy and effective skills to manage future stressors.

Know Your Empathy Limits

empathy, empathy limits, relationships

A healthy form of empathy involves striking an emotional and intellectual balance between self and another person. One has the ability to pay attention to another’s needs without sacrificing one’s own.

Self-Care: Am I Just Being Selfish?

Self-care begins with taking care of your basic needs including eating, sleeping, bathing, and medical needs.

Self-care also includes activities to help you relax and de-stress. It is also maintaining relationships and finding balance between work life and personal life. Failure to attend to these needs could result in exhaustion, burnout, illness, and even possible hospitalization.

Vacation and Your Mental Health

vacation, your mental health

Vacations help to alleviate stress. When someone is under chronic stress, it begins to take a toll his or her physical and mental health. Taking a vacation has the ability to break the cycle of chronic stress.

Self-Care vs Zoning Out

self-care vs zoning out

What is the difference between self-care and zoning out? One leaves us feeling energized and refreshed. The other…not so much.