Difficult People

Who are difficult people? They’re the ones who pour milk in your tea, just after you put in lemon. They’re those individuals who fail to say “good day” after you’ve said it to them five times. They’re people who leave the mess for you to clean up, even though you are peers at work. They’re the frustrating, aggravating, unkind, inconsiderate, blah, blah, blah, folks who normally care less about other people’s feelings and emotions. So why try to get along with them? Because usually they’re the most hurting, personality disrupted persons you come across.


What can you do to continue to work around those who are so unfortunate? Assist them in having a better day with you than without. Bring them a Starbucks, or whatever you can find out is their favorite morning drink. Remind them of upcoming events that might affect them. Ask if they would care for anything at lunch time, because you’re heading out and you see them still working at their desk. They may be overloaded and too proud, or don’t know how, to ask for help. Intentionally let them see you smiling so that your joy can possibly rub off. At least they may ask what makes you so happy and then you can explain that life is way too short to stay hard all the time.


The foregoing are some ideas that allow a little happiness to be spread around to those you find difficult to work or communicate with. As we spread the cheer that exists within us, those who appear sad, down, angry or disheartened can take solace in receiving something from someone who stimulates life, goodness and peace of mind. So the next time you see a coworker who seems to constantly bring you pain of any sort, do your best to brighten their day, you just never know whom you’re affecting with positivity.