Don’t you just love social media

In this fast-paced, hurry-up world we now find ourselves, the ability to have information and having it at our fingertips has become extremely helpful. Facebook, Twitter, and the other outlets, now connect all of us together at the press of a button. We think its wonderful right? But what about those incessant updates coming across our already overtaxed handhelds that some folks feel the need to send? Where in order to prevent them, we have to “un-friend” the people we’re receiving them from. How awkward! It’s like saying “hey, I enjoy you some of the time, but quite often, I just want you off of my friends list. There should be a happy medium. But where do we find it? It’s time to put the social media craze in its place.


Keeping the feeds in their proper place may not be easy, but it might be healthy. Instead of Facebooking or Tweeting, why not take the time to actually call someone? Or, what about reading one of the few newspapers left on the stands? Wouldn’t that be different? I know, you’re thinking, I don’t have time for that! The social media rage has truly changed our lives forever. While there won’t be any going back, it doesn’t mean it has to change the very nature by which we connect with one another. There is a saying “all things in moderation.” Moderating how one interacts with friends and family and receives valuable information tells a lot about our relationships. Do you find yourself hiding from speaking with people? Do you find yourself less likely to engage socially? These may be symptoms of something very significant occurring within your life. Allowing only social media avenues to direct how you interrelate may prevent some really great relationships from maturing.


I say let’s all do ourselves a favor and take a step back, put now those handhelds and get together in meaningful ways. Wouldn’t it be great to socialize in the same place at the same time looking at one another and actually talking? Well, it was just a thought. If you’ll excuse me, I just got another text and also need to respond to that tweet which just arrived.