Past and Present Anger Patterns (1)

Our families teach us many things; including how to handle conflict and express anger.  Often there are unspoken rules for each family member.  It can be helpful to look at the ways your family resolved (or did not resolve) differences.  Here are a few questions to help you think about your own present day anger patterns.

  • Did your family run away from anger and avoid sensitive topics at all times?
  • Some families can be verbal with anger; others may allow one another to physically hit others.
  • Sometimes one family member is allowed to have an outburst of anger and knock holes in walls or slam doors or throw things.
  • Families may have different rules for the males and females and how they express their anger.


It is helpful to think about the rules your family had concerning conflict and how they expressed anger because it is possible to change anger patterns.  More to come.


Marlayne Whitlock, LAPC




Adapted from Torn Asunder workbook