Supporting a Winning Team

So often we get so enthused to watch our favorite team, especially when they’re doing well. We cheer them on emphatically and always are hoping they’ll make it to the playoffs. Year after year we expect them to be as good, if not better, than the year before. It’s so easy to support them when they’re winning, but how about when things aren’t going so well? Do we continue to have the same high energy and confidence for them? So it can be with our relationships.
As long as things are flowing and we’re getting along, our relationships seem to thrive. However, when something occurs which goes against how we feel or think we can turn from compassion and understanding to becoming adversaries. That’s when discussions so often become arguments, and we sometimes view the relationship as spiraling out of control. The enthusiasm dwindles for what was once considered a winning team.
Turning the team around isn’t insurmountable. It will take working together, and being willing to listen to one another is vital. If the team members will support each other and truly give 100 percent to the relationship, they can start winning again and overcome the difficult trials so often presented.