Far from loved ones? Tips to stay connected!


Due to college, jobs or relationships, most of us live in a different state or even country than our friends and family. If this is the case, how do we stay connected with one another? Here are a few tips to stay connected.

Feeling Stuck? Moving to a new city might just be the answer!

Have you ever thought about packing up everything you own and moving to a new place? Maybe its for adventure, maybe its because of a breakup, or maybe its just because you’ve lived in the same place your whole life. Whatever your reason might be, you are making a great decision. Moving to a new city can have a very positive effect on your psyche.

Six Signs that Your Child May Need to See a Therapist

All children face obstacles as they grow up. They experience stress, guilt, grief, social challenges and other difficulties. People used to think that children do not experience these normal aspects of life in the same way as adults. However new research is showing that these stressors impact children in a similar way that these stressors impact adults. Children can react with anxiety, depression and high levels of stress just like adults do.

How Vacations Positively Affect Your Mental Health

Vacations help to alleviate stress. When someone is under chronic stress, it begins to take a toll his or her physical and mental health. Taking a vacation has the ability to break the cycle of chronic stress.

Can Pets Help to Improve Mental Health?

Pets can be a very important source of social and emotional support. Pets have been shown to improve symptoms of mental health diagnoses ranging from depression to PTSD.

Is my worry normal or is it anxiety?

Anxiety is a prolonged form of stress that can be really detrimental when left untreated over time. Therapy has been shown to be extremely effective at treating anxiety and the accompanying symptoms. Reach out to a therapist to talk about how therapy could help your anxiety!

The Top Five Pre-Marriage Conversations to Have With Your Partner

Getting married and saying “I do” is a huge and wonderful milestone for future brides and grooms. It can be easy for couples to get swept along in the romance of wedding planning and forget to make sure they are taking steps for their relationship to become a happy marriage. Just having those feelings of love or “being in love” will not guarantee a healthy or fulfilling marriage. There are 5 pre-marriage conversations you should be having!

For The Moments When Life Disappoints

Life is definitely not fair. This is a well-known fact. You probably heard an adult tell you this when you were a kid. Things very often do not turn out the way we planned or hoped. Often times, we must develop an alternate plan or goals for ourselves.