Possible Impediments to Trust

Most people readily agree that trust is an essential component of healthy relationships. But it can be a difficult concept to grasp, particularly if we’ve had limited exposure to healthy, trusting relationships.

Trust: Do I Attract Unsafe People?

It is typically hard for us to look within, but improving character discernment can be a game changer in your relationships and ability to trust.

Staples of Meaningful Friendships

friendship, friend

When life is busy and full, but friendships are an important part of life…how do we juggle it? How do we stay close and connected?

Trust: Unsafe People

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, authors of Safe People, address relational trust from three perspectives: unsafe people, attracting unsafe people, and safe people.

The Fear of Commitment

fear, commitment

When you think about commitment, how does that make you feel? Does your heart race? Do you feel faint? Do you feel the need to literally run? These are real feelings of men and women who have a fear of commitment. These fears are usually rooted in fear of missing out on other opportunities or fear of making bad decisions.

Fear and Our View of the Future

How does fear affect our view of the future? Now is the time to find your voice, your priorities, and line them up with your life values.

Think About Your Thoughts

Cognitive distortions are common ways in which thoughts become skewed, causing people to feel depressed and anxious, among other things.

After School Meltdowns

back to school, meltdowns, after school

An after-school meltdown may be your child releasing their pent up mental, physical and emotional energy after a full day of needing to exercise a lot of self-control.


If you looked at the title of this blog and thought “What is fear-setting?” you are probably not alone. This was a foreign concept to me as well before I recently watched Tim Ferriss describe fear-setting in his TED Talk, “Why You Should Define Your Fears Instead of Your Goals”.