Tips for Creating Healthy Families

Creating healthy families involves providing safety and comfort, modeling strong communication skills, & creating opportunities for bonding as a team.

Teaching Your Kids Belly Breathing

Belly breathing involves breathing in deeply through the nose and breathing out through the mouth so the lungs fill with air and the diaphragm contracts.

Why Play Therapy? Part 2

Now that you’ve decided play therapy is the best option for your child, we will explore what you and your child can expect moving forward.

Supporting our Teachers

Simple acknowledgement and encouragement can go a long way and can help our teachers understand that we empathize with and appreciate their role.

Tips for Raising Healthy Children

As parents, our job is to mold, encourage, guide and teach our children to become “good people.” Here are 12 tips for raising healthy children.

Why Play Therapy? Part 1

Play provides numerous benefits. The most common being physical activity; emotional, social, and creative learning; as well as better communication skills.

Reacting vs. Responding

Understanding the difference between reacting and responding can be an extremely helpful skill for both parents and children.