Voting: A Right & Privilege

When we consider the climate of today, with all of the ads and debates and focus on candidates, we can almost forget the significance of our single vote. Yet it is very important to remember how vital it is to the overall process that individuals, no matter their political party affiliation, exercise their right to vote. Those who practice this right usually walk away with a somewhat tangible feeling of having accomplished something very practical and meaningful. If we just allow the opportunity to pass by, it’s like giving something away that we can never get back.

Giving up a chance to matter at any particular time in life can be substantial. It can influence our self-perspective, our outlook on the outcome of situation, and also how we relate to others. Taking advantage of one’s right to vote can promote a sense of belonging. It can mean that we had a part in a process that affects many others. It’s as though there’s relationship with others of like mind, values and belief.

Voting for whomever we choose is a part of a civic duty and privilege, one that has been purchased and protected by the sacrifice of others. So as this voting season is now upon us and we’re making choices, let us not fail to consider that our right to vote is not to be taken lightly or for granted.