In Laughter We Carried More

This is a series of blogs that Dr. Dickinson wrote after returning from a recent trip to Africa. A few reflections, a few lessons learned. Enjoy the journey.


Stories from Africa: Chapter 5

In laughter We Carried More


In looking back on the trip I noticed that we carried a lot. We worked hard, witnessed stories, remained engaged, and invested deeply. I also noticed we laughed a lot. We were serious and respectful when we needed to be. But we seized every available opportunity to see the humor and literally laugh out loud. We laughed at each other and ourselves. We laughed about grasshoppers, power outages, bumpy roads, and stories from our past. We laugh until our sides hurt about poop. We were silly and sometimes even a little ridiculous. And you know what? I think in the laughter we carried more.


Have you ever noticed that a well-timed laugh can bring down walls and disarm tension? Laugher unities us.It crosses language barriers and bridges new relationships. Laughter helps ground us in the present and remind us that perspective is important. It’s hard to be afraid, overwhelmed, or defensive when you are doubled over from laughing. Laughter is healing.


It’s not important that we all be the center of attention. If you are not a person who has impeccable comedic timing, don’t worry. Start by looking for the humor in a situation, it’s usually there if you search for it. Or find someone who has got a gift for making people laugh and join in the audience – those people always need a following to whom they can regal with tales.


Often, we are faced with a choice. When we have a load to carry – to laugh or cry, to be overwhelmed or dig in, to engage or step back. Next time you find yourself at that crossroad, start by choosing laughter. I have a feeling it will make the rest a little easier to carry.


Wendy Dickinson, Ph.D.