Keeping It Honest

Have you ever felt the need to keep something from a partner to prevent them from feeling hurt or disappointed? There are times in many relationships when it seems like not hurting the other’s feelings is more important than being honest. However, as is often seen with couples, this isn’t really the best policy.

What to Expect in Couples Counseling

Starting counseling can be a daunting experience – especially couples counseling. In fact, most couples put it off until they just can’t take it anymore.

Surviving Isolation with Your Partner

Couples are spending more time together in this time of isolation than ever before. For some, the additional time may be met with delight and lead to stronger connection. However for most, the constant togetherness (mixed with anxiety) may lead to frustration, irritability, or highlight the disconnection between partners.  We would … Read More

Fight the Good Fight

Conflict has gotten a bad rap. Often clients seek counseling in hopes of eliminating or minimizing fights. They may want to reassess conflict before hitting the dismiss button. Interestingly, conflict can actually benefit a relationship and an individual’s identity, if addressed well. The truth is that there is no real … Read More

Couples Therapy: Experience Something New!


If couples are going to change, they are going to need more than knowledge about what they could do differently. They are going to need to risk doing things differently and have new, healing experiences. DH Lawrence wrote, The world fears a new experience more than it fears anything. Because … Read More