Benefits of Mindfulness on Stress and Digestive Health

Have you ever had a nervous stomach ache before an important meeting, or digestive issues during a season of heightened stress? The brain-gut connection can explain these unpleasant experiences. When we feel stressed, our body releases the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which in turn causes the microbes in our gut to change their … Read More

How Gardening Can Help Reduce Stress

Looking for a new way to help reduce your stress? Research indicates that spending time in the soil, and nurturing vegetation through gardening can help reduce stress levels over time. Some benefits of gardening include… feeling connected to nature and living organisms the opportunity to serve as a nurturer a … Read More

Easing Your Child’s Transition to a New School

As a new school year approaches, it is normal for your child to experience back-to-school jitters. When transitioning to a new school, a child may be experiencing an increase in emotions such as uncertainty, anticipation, and curiosity. Whether your child is transitioning from middle to high school or starting school in … Read More