Hey Couples: Arguing is Good!

Are you concerned about your relationship because you argue pretty often? Studies suggest that arguing 1 time a week can actually be healthy for a relationship because it can open up the lines of communication.

Overcome Blended Family Holiday Challenges

The holiday season can be a particularly challenging time for blended families. Every blended family has built-in complexities that are highlighted during the holidays. Tension may arise over many issues: making decisions about how much time each parent gets with the child, deciding who buys which gifts, and even determining which holiday rituals are acceptable for the child to participate in.

The Dating Coach Answers: Company Parties

We are discussing various tips for the holidays when you are in a new relationship, casually dating several people, or in a relationship that hasn’t been officially defined. This time of year can be stressful and filled with pressure and expectations for all dating relationships. So far we’ve talked about when to define the relationship, whether or not invite each other home for the holidays, and whether or not to give gifts. Today let’s talk about those company parties.

The Dating Coach Answers: Giving Gifts

We are discussing various tips for the holidays when you are in a new relationship, casually dating several people, or in a relationship that hasn’t been officially defined. This time of year can be stressful and filled with pressure and expectations for all dating relationships. So far we’ve talked about when to define the relationship and whether or not to invite each other home for the holidays. Today let’s focus on giving gifts.

Pro Sports Wives: Quality Time During the Holidays

As a pro sports wife you know how limited time with your athlete husband can be. Quality time can seem nonexistent during the sports season. The holidays can be especially difficult because it is a time for family togetherness and your athlete is away on the road. Although holidays may be full of fine festivities, chef-prepared foods, and expensive gifts, there is nothing like getting quality time with your athlete when he’s home.

The Dating Coach Answers: The Invite Home for the Holidays

Many people visit relatives or go home for at least one of the major holidays. If you’re single, you may feel the pressure and expectation from your parents or family to have a significant other and invite them with you to family holiday events. Nothing is worse each year than to have aunts, uncles, cousins, or parents asking if you are dating anyone or when you are going to get serious about someone.

The Dating Coach Answers: How Do I Date During the Holidays?

Maybe you’ve just met someone who seems very promising. Or maybe you’ve been casually dating a new love interest for a few weeks or months. The holiday season approaches and you wonder where the “relationship” stands. This time of the year naturally brings some pressure and expectations with it. You would love to be in a comfortable dating relationship where you know what to expect between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, but, unfortunately, you’re not quite there yet. What to do?

Pro Sports Wives: Creating Home for the Holidays

As a former pro sports wife myself, I recall the times when I was away from home for the holidays traveling with my husband abroad. I remember feeling isolated, lonely and very much missing my family members and our family holiday traditions. I remember the importance of embracing relationships with other pro sports wives for a sense of connection and community. Whether you’re temporarily located overseas or even in a new U.S. city, I believe the things I learned from my own experiences can help you.

Pro Sports Wives: Keeping the Connection when Your Husband’s on the Road

If you have a pro athlete husband, you know it can be very difficult to keep the connection while he is on the road when his sport is in season. This time is usually extremely stressful for pro sports wives. It can be difficult to multi-task all of your responsibilities of being a full time mom and dad. It can be a time of insecurity, frustration, and unrealistic expectations to be a super woman in the absence of your husband’s presence and support. The truth is absence does not always make the heart grow fonder; it can be a harsh time of separation and marital conflict.

Athletic Teams as Families


When tragedy happens, we all react differently. Some become vocal; some become silent; others need a hug or a listening ear. Athletic teams are no different than a traditional family unit. The individuals may cope in various ways, but the team has a choice of leaning on each other or going separate ways.