The Benefits of a Relationship Check-Up

Typically a “check-up” is considered to be a medical evaluation to examine the status of one’s physical health. Many individuals have an annual check-up scheduled on their calendars as a routine method of prevention or awareness of health concerns. A relationship check-up can be viewed in a very similar way.

10-Minute Holiday Connections For You & Your Partner

Holidays are typically known for family, friends, food, and helping others. But they are also well-known as a time for stress, chaos, loneliness, and disconnection. Couples are particularly at high risk to disengage at this time.

Attachment and Detachment: Finding a Balance for Your Relationships

The hallmark of healthy attachment to another person is marked by safety in the relationship. Showing concern for others, enjoying spending time with them, and feeling connected— these are all elements of healthy attachment. There is permission to be one’s own self without fear of judgment.

7 Helpful Tips for Online Dating (Part 2)

So you’ve decided to jump into the world of online dating, eh? Hopefully you saw my last post about things to think through before creating your profile.

Today I want to share four tips that will help you as you begin to explore other people’s profiles and even move toward meeting them.

7 Helpful Tips for Online Dating (Part 1)

We often hear from our clients that the dating scene in Atlanta can be a challenge. As a result, many people seem to be turning to online dating to meet people, initiate a relationship, or find a spouse. While we do not necessarily promote internet dating at GROW, we do think certain guidelines can be helpful if you choose this route in initiating a relationship.

Five to One: The Relationship Magic Formula

Relationships. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a formula for them? Amazingly, there is! It is a magic formula. Really. The math is easy: 5 to 1. Dr. John Gottman (who has studied couple interactions for 40 years) found that when couples speak more positively than negatively to one another, there is a much higher rate of satisfaction in the relationship. And the math is so easy, but not exactly balanced.

Hope After a Heartbreak

It’s been said, “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.” Making this choice leaves a person heartbroken in many instances. Most of us have experienced this at least once in our lives.

Hey Couples: Arguing is Good!

Are you concerned about your relationship because you argue pretty often? Studies suggest that arguing 1 time a week can actually be healthy for a relationship because it can open up the lines of communication.

The Dating Coach Answers: Should I Try Internet Dating?

It’s almost Valentine’s Day and if you’re single, you are probably ready to up the ante in your search for a dating partner. After seeing all the jewelry, flower, and candy commercials start, many singles subscribe to internet dating sites in an effort to meet that someone special. So, is internet dating for you? Traditionally, internet dating has been dubbed something that desperate people do, but not anymore. In today’s world, internet dating naturally fits into our tech-oriented society.