ABC’s of the Holiday Season

As we approach the holiday season, keep these simple ABC’s in mind to help your family to get the most out of it!

After School Meltdowns

back to school, meltdowns, after school

An after-school meltdown may be your child releasing their pent up mental, physical and emotional energy after a full day of needing to exercise a lot of self-control.

Stress, Self-Care, & Your Kids

stress, self-care, family

Practicing self care as a family supports the relational bond and is a constructive way to model healthy and effective skills to manage future stressors.

Let’s Get Outside!

Playing outside can help stimulate cognitive functioning, foster resilience, release endorphins, and increase an appreciation for nature.

Encouragement for Single Parents

If you are a single parent, I want to encourage you to reach out for support from family and friends or even a trained therapist.

It’s Time to Play Outside!

Playing outside can help stimulate cognitive functioning, foster resilience, release endorphins, and increase an appreciation for nature.

Talking With Kids About Death

It can be challenging to know what to say or how much to share with a child about death. Allow the child space to ask questions!