ABC’s of the Holiday Season

If you’ve ever taken a yoga or workout class, you may have heard the instructor prompt you to “set an intention” at the beginning of the class.  This translates to choosing a word, phrase, or focus you want to keep in mind throughout the class. It gives you a touchpoint to easily come back to if you find yourself getting distracted or losing motivation.

This idea can be useful in everyday life.

As we approach the holidays, keep these simple ABC’s in mind to help your family to get the most out of the season.

ACCEPTANCE: No matter how hard we try, there will always be a level of stress that is present around the holidays. For some, it may come from trying to manage extended family visits, everyone being out of their normal schedule, or trying to manage your finances responsibly. It may even be brief, arising from something like having to navigate a tricky conversation with an uncle or pushy salesperson. Others may be grieving the absence of a loved one.

Whatever your source of stress is, it’s important to accept that it is there, allow yourself to experience it, but not allow it to expand and take over.

If you’re able to accept these moments as just a part of the season, when they arise it is easier to remind yourself that they are temporary and only a small portion of this time of year.

BALANCE: A good balance during the holidays looks different from family to family.  Some families thrive on an active (socially distanced!) calendar, and have the most fun together when they are engaged in a lot of activities. Others need more down time and less people around to enjoy themselves the most. The goal is not to do it the way your neighbors or best friends do. It’s to find the right balance of activity for your family. 

Give yourself permission to decline invitations or to schedule fun things in the months ahead to look forward to. 

For families with small children, keep in mind that they may have a lower tolerance for changes to their schedules and can get overstimulated more easily.  Families who have older children and teenagers may want to focus more on the right balance between family time and friend time. 

CONNECTION: Try to focus on things that give you the opportunity to genuinely connect with your family and friends. Also seek to foster an internal connection to what the holidays really mean for you.  Choose to spend your time on the activities and events that bring you joy. And don’t feel pressure to participate rather than the ones that create unnecessary stress.

For families with children, it’s easy for parents to get so caught up in preparation, shopping, cooking, and scheduling that they miss the magic of this season.  Take a moment to savor the look on your kids’ face when they are reading their favorite holiday book or seeing holiday lights going up around the neighborhood. Use that opportunity to share a story about your own childhood holiday memories.

Sometimes the simple things are the ones that foster the most connection and begin to become family tradition.

Spend a quiet moment reading about or reflecting on what the holidays mean for you. Remind yourself of why we celebrate during this time of the year. You can even carry those meaningful traditions and values forward into the new year.

Keep these ABC’s in mind, and you’ll be on your way to a more peaceful, enjoyable holiday season this year!

Written by: GROW Staff