Reacting vs. Responding

Understanding the difference between reacting and responding can be an extremely helpful skill for both parents and children.

Toxic Masculinity

When it comes to toxic masculinity, the most courageous step we can take is speaking up — whether that means saying how we feel, apologizing for a behavior, or even asking someone for help.

Thermostats, Thermometers and the Window of Tolerance

In life, we have moments when we are either the thermometer or the thermostat, reacting to our surroundings or setting our temperature and responding how we’d like to. What this generally depends on is our window of tolerance.

Have ALL the feelings! (Part 2)

When it comes to our feelings, the key is often simply to name and experience them for what they are. So, get curious about your emotional experiences!

Organize Your Life, Find Your Joy?

Organize Your Life, Find Your Joy

Does It Bring You Joy? Why have we become so obsessed with organization? “Who hasn’t heard about Marie Kondo?” my friend asked. Well, I was embarrassed to say I hadn’t. But after doing a quick Google search and another on YouTube, I began to understand the popularity of this movement. … Read More

Parenting with Love and Logic


Parenting is not easy. Many of the parents we work with at GROW Counseling are seeking to establish a loving and positive relationship with their children. There are a variety of factors that contribute to building a strong parent-child relationship. In today’s rapidly changing and complex world, it is essential … Read More

Marriage Love Styles and How to Demystify Them

couple in an abusive relationship

I have found myself often explaining to couples that marriage difficulties are not necessarily the fault of the marriage. A lot of what we experience in our relationships is actually a result of our early years and how emotions and needs were imprinted into us by those we attached to. … Read More

Emotions and Divorce


When the idea of divorce becomes an unwelcome reality, there are a lot of emotions that drive decision making. Even if you’ve determined to be as gracious and collaborative as possible, guilt, fear, shame, anger, hurt, and pain all make pretty quick appearances. Sometimes people are really caught off guard … Read More

What Does Emotional Intelligence Mean? Part 1


Children experience the same emotions as adults. They can feel everything from happiness to sadness to anger to nervousness to even stress. However unlike adults, many children do not understand how to effectively deal with the range of emotions they experience. Just like other life skills parents pass onto their … Read More