The Challenges of Long-Term Illness

Navigating a long-term illness means journeying into the unfamiliar waters of change. These waters rise at a rapid pace, and finding one’s footing seems nearly impossible at times. You may find yourself feeling helpless amidst the rising tide. Change threatens every area of life. Your physical being is impacted as well as your emotional self. Multiple layers of change at a relentless pace can feel overwhelming.


Those struggling with a long-term illness usually feel a stark contrast between life before and life after the diagnosis. Priorities change. You yourself change. Some parts of your life remain familiar, but more often than not, every area of life is impacted by the illness. What once were simple everyday tasks become insurmountable cliffs lurking in the distance.


In order to navigate the murky waters of long-term illness, you must take the time to find the support you need. We all need people speaking into our lives that will be supportive and lend a listening ear, but this is of the highest priority when dealing with long-term illness. This is a time when you need others to surround you, support you and care for you. Enlist family and friends as well as the larger community where you live life to provide this much-needed support. If you’re in need of additional support beyond your network, ask for it. Find a support group for people dealing with your illness. Find a counselor who can help you deal with all of the changes happening.


Remember that it’s ok to ask for help. We aren’t intended to navigate the waters of life alone.


Are you responsible for caring for someone with a long-term illness? Come back next week when we’ll discuss the stress of long-term illness from your perspective.


Marlayne Whitlock, M.A., LAPC
