Stress, Self-Care & Your Kids

With the inevitable stress that life can bring, the significance of self-care can not be underestimated. Regardless of age, stress has the power to impact our physical and emotional health.

It is not uncommon for children and teenagers to experience stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health related challenges in the same way as adults. 

According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association in 2013, teens report stress levels far higher than what they believe is healthy. While a moderate amount of stress is necessary in order to be productive, it is important to be proactive in establishing healthy ways to cope and care for ourselves. 

Parents can teach their kids how to take care of themselves regularly and these lessons can be more impactful when done together.

Practicing self-care as a family supports the relational bond and is a constructive way to model healthy and effective skills to manage future stressors. 

As you think about family habits or activities that emphasize self-care, consider how they can be focused on physical health, fun and laughter, time spent outdoors, helping others – all important aspects that serve as a foundation for promoting wellness. 

With the increasing educational, social, and athletic demands placed on kids and teens, a family lifestyle that teaches and values self-care is indispensable.

How can you begin to incorporate self-care into your family values?  

Written by: Michelle Rathburn